Wednesday, December 15, 2004


So yesterday was the dress rehearsal and today was the real thing. We actuallly did fly from Barcelona to Ibiza on Air Europe. the flight went off without a hitch. we arrived very quickly-only a 45 minute flight! The weather in Ibiza was warm and super sunny. Woohoooo! We decided to rent a car for a couple of reasons. 1. it is way off off season for Ibiza right now. The only public transport is taxis, ot financially feaible longterm, and buses that only run very limite rountes 2 times daily, mopeds-havent seen any open places bikes-havent seen any to rent and walking. now ibiza is a small island but walking acorss it with our gear isnt practical so number2 it was cheaper for us to rent a car to sleep in then to find a campground, get there by public transport somehow and then pay for camping and still have no transport. this would be more expencive and a lot less freedom to move around. we have this tiny litle fyellow ford(model Ka) car that barely fits us and our stuff, but we are lovin´it!
We see that the gas tank is only 3\4 full so we pull up to the entrance door of the airport to run in and ask the rental guy about it. I runn in to tell hom. We here a loud crash and everyone rushes outside to see what happened. Right over by our yellow car with caleb insite, is smoke ste4am and dust. At first I thought that someone had crashed right into our rental car. When the smoke cleared a bit(and my heart started beating again) you could see that some crazy, drunk guy and run full speed into a huge trash dumpster with his car, only feet away from caleb and the rental car. I ran over to see if caleb was okey and he looked stunned. The police officer that had been following this crazy driver had pulled the guy out of his car and thrown him face down on the ground and started to cuff him right in front of me. The guy was bleeding profusely from the head and obviously on alchol or drugs BIGTIME! I turned to ask caleb what happened and he said:
I was just sitting here thinking about how carfully I was going to drive when this police truck was chaceing this guy. He was quite ovivously chaceing him because I could see how fast he was driving. I was thinking in my head that song from cops"bad boys bad boys" but to understand what happened next you have to have a layout of the airport parking lot. At the back you have all of the rental cars. The taxies and busses pull all the way around the building so that they can pull out in front to pick people up. There is another lane that it is one way also but it is only for cars. We pulled up right in front of some dumpsters(a no parking zone but we were only going to be there for a minute) behind the dumpster is the entry way to the airport. and behind that is a line of taxis.
So this guy decides to turn into the one way airport bus\taxi lane that I am sitting in, hits the curb in front of me(at this point I am thinking "thats it, there goes the deposit") from there he jearks the wheel to the right(THANK GOD!) and hits the other curb on the other side of the road, then he jearks the wheel to the left and wraps the front of the truck around the dumpster that was right behind me. The guy had a crazy obivously out of his mind sime as he passed by me but that soon faded as soon as he smashed his head into the airbag. The cop ran over and grabbed his gun and yelled" get on the ground!" as least I am assuming this is what he said because he was speaking spanish. At this point he opened the door and cuffed the guy. Just a few seconds later angie ran up to the car and is like "what happened?" I explained to the rental guy that the tank was only 3\4 full and he said"ya, its in the contract". They a guy (he was security, or police or somthing) said somthing to me in spainish. I gathered that I was not suppost to be parking there so we started little yellow off and we drove straight to the first beach that we could find.
We found Salinas beach by accident really but it was trancendently beautiful perfect sand, the clearist aqua blue I have ever seen in the sea and there was a caltle out at the end of the cliff on the beach that we hiked to. You can see a very small island off the coast´t tip that has a pretty little stripped lighthouse(theresa and larry, you would love the view:)) the temp was high enough to make both caleb and I sweat. I would guess low 70´s but the forcast was like for 68 so it was probebly somewhere in between. but tons of sunn!!! Everywhere you can look in ibiza is so awe inspiring. tree covered mountians everywhere. And goureous streaches of beach, all different kinds of beaches, all along the coasts. Nothing is open today. We dont know if it is because it is sunday or that everything will pretty much be closed because of the off season. We drove from one of the most southern points, to fortinpax and back to ibiza to find some food. We were driving up to the mountians throughout this. Great views, but some of those tiny roads at the top of the peaks were super scary especially when another car would pass. It made be extrealy glad that our car was so small. We finally found a little bakery to get some nosh, then we went in search of a great place to watch sunset and eat dindin. we stopped on top of a peak where there was a slight clearing. big enough for our car anyway. the view was great. We were in the crux of a crescent of two peaks and above the world. breathtaking, dinner wasnt bad either then we went in search of a beach to stake out for the night. we found this tily little(200 foot) beach. One couple was there when we pulled in but they left about 20 minutes after we got there. caleb and I climbed out onto the rocks on the right of the beach and looked at the clear sky and the stars and listened to the waves hit the beach and the rocks and snuggled. It was pretty damn romantic. we slept in the car on the beach. Our car has a sunroof so we left it open all night. It was perfect to fall asleep to the sound of ocean waves and looking at the stars.


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