(caleb)Today we worked outside, it was a nice change. We started weeding the garden and then I started picking up garbage. In the end I ended up with close to 100 pounds. This is a real problem in ireland. Somtimes you cant see it right away because I think that they clean up the real touristy areas and thank goodness that most people have enough respect for the national park. But along roadsides especally and in some remote places along the road for some reason people just dump their rubbish. Some people say that it is the new laws for garbage. I think that they are starting to charge by weight so instead of paying to get rid of their garbage, people just take it out and dump it. This is wrong on so many levels because the stuff that they are dumping not only looks bad but it is non-biodegradeable. stuff like plastic bottles and baby diapers among other things. I know that this isnt a problem that is local to ireland but it seems like it is a new problem here. I know that I was ranting about rome being really dirty but that dosent really matter because it is a city and it is already polluted. Here people are spoiling the natural beauty by dumping tons of garbage wherever. Maby it is just growing pains for a new consumer socity, but people are going to have to start taking some personal responsibility otherwise there will be some serous consequences. It makes me sad and I dont enjoy picking it up, but I do enjoy making the property look better. I wish I could pick it all up out of the woods, but I would need a dump truck and a team of people. I just do what I can and hope that people will follow my example. Ok, thats enough rant for now :)
Then we walked to the library and it turned out that the computers where down, bummer. We then went shopping and walked back home. We enjoyed tuna and corn sandwiches with pea salad for dinner.
Then we walked to the library and it turned out that the computers where down, bummer. We then went shopping and walked back home. We enjoyed tuna and corn sandwiches with pea salad for dinner.
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