Friday, March 04, 2005


Today was the Ireland lottery drawing...
No we didnt win :(
Today the hostel got rid of those crappy computers that charge 1€ for 10 minutes. Good riddence, anytime that I was in the living room I told people not to waste their money on those things. We spent the day carrying on about our normal duties. I carried bog turf and we got off work a little early. We got a ride into town with a lady that had two kids in the back. She gave us a ride because the kids were laughing and pointing at us hitchhikeing. It was nice because she gave us a ride directly to the library because thats where she was going.
We decided to do some shopping at the big tesco because we thought that it might be cheaper and I thought that there would be a wider beer selection. Well we were wrong about both of those things. The only thing that we gained by shopping there is a longer walk with a heavy backpack. There was a kid packing groceries as a fundraiser, because Angie is so kind she let him do it. It doesnt take rocket science to pack a bag, but he mananged to stack the heavy cans on the bread and the pepper. grrr... needless to say we didnt tip him.
When we got to the golf course, we discovered that the path was closed because of construction so we ended up having to walk by the road.
We had homade ham and pinapple pizza for supper it was mmmm good.


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