Friday, January 28, 2005


We decided to stay in Galway another day. I'm still not sure I like this city, but I do like the people who run and are staying at our hostel. They have been very welcoming now. Everyone here is going through the same things we are, ie looking for/working jobs so they can continue to travel in Europe. We tried to go back to the University to use their free internet but we needed a log in today so the jig is up with that. So we walked across the river, over a bridge actually hehe, and found the cheapest internet we could. 2€/hour I wish we had the capital to start our own internet business. We could be making all sorts of scratch. We went to the grocery store and ran into Chris, Jemma and Chris's friend, Bev while there. So we walked back to the hostel with them. They are very nice people and we enjoy hanging out with them. They have been travelling even longer than us. We watched Whale Rider. Ang had seen it before but it was terrific for a third time.


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