We decided to stay an extra day in Lyon because we all likeit some much. We statrted out the day bz going to the cathetral. It was like most other gothic cathedrials we have seen except it has a strange machine in it. It was called horologie. It was built in the 1300's. After the french revolution thez redid the outside with new zears, but the machenery is all origonal and it still works perfectly. I iddnt understand exactlz what it did, but I can tell you it had somthing to di with the constellations and time. The date on the touside was correct and the last time on the face is 2016. We road the giant farris wheel, which was amazing and went shopping. Angie found some boots that she wanted, but I told her to wait until we get ot Progue becaus things will be much cheaper there. We pieck up some fresh market potatos, borccli, onions, zuchinni, garlic, and chicken breasts. I dont know whz but thez have much better tasting ingredents here. we spent the evening relaxing and drinking french wine, and conversing with fellow travelers. Angie went on a trek around the city with a buch of french people and saw the Basilica. They all spoke french and it was very cold.
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