Friday, May 13, 2005


We decided to do some sightseeing on our own today. We went to the old oprahouse, from there the Madeline. Built in 1764, it was finished in 1842 and is a nice big building(it takes up a whole block) and the entrance is free. Then the Concord with the Egyption Obelisque. Then we walked though the Jardin destuileries to find at the end, the Louvre. We walked along the Sen river until we came to Notredam. We didnt want to wait through the giant line to go up to the top so we snuck in through the exit. It is much more impressive on the outside than the inside, but there is a giant stained glass window that is very impressive.
We then jumped onto the metro and went to "chinatown" which turned out to be just a bunch of Asian restraunts. We decided to call it a day.


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