Monday, February 14, 2005


We both had to work today. Cleaning Mach frei! just kidding hehe
(caleb)Tonight we went out dancing. We took a taxi into town(ladeda) and went into the club. In the front of the club it was packed and there was a live irish band singing traditional irish tunes. They were pretty good, but there was little room in that part. So we went into the back of the place where there were lazers and multicolored lights and they were playing house music. Angie danced until she couldnt dance anymore. I had a murphies. Tasty! Its nice that smoking isnt allowed for a couple of reasons. 1 you dont smell like smoke when you come home and 2 you dont have to worry about the place catching on fire as much. Now you may think that fire would be the last thing on a persons mind, but by the time we went to leave thats all that we were thinking about because it was sooo packed in there.

We took a taxi home and I tipped the driver .10 hehe oops


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